
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

"Y.A" Youth Conference

The Greater Harvest youth department [T.E.A.M Ministry] invites you to join us in our annual "Y.A" Youth conference!
This year is "You Are CHOSEN" our theme is "STAND OUT"
Wednesday, June 15th - Saturday, June 18th at the Greater Harvest Church [1202 Hillboro Avenue Reno, NV 89512]
1 Peter 4:2 Rejected by man but chosen by God and precious to Him.
We are expecting an amazing move of God. We have workshop/Classes Wed-Fri at 10am an worship service starts at 7:30pm. Saturday Morning at 10:30am we are having a Baptism so if you haven't been baptized and would like to be, let us know and we'll put you on the list.

Workshops/Class Teachers-
Missionary Erma McDowell
Brother Luke Wynn

Wednesday Night: Minster Hans Williams Jr. from Grace Tabernacle
Thursday Night: Missionary Angelis Washington from Center of Hope
Friday Night: Minister William J. Wynn II from Greater Harvest

Hope to see you there!

Connect With Us
TWITTER: TEAMinistry10
YOUTUBE: TEAMinistry10
FACEBOOK: T.E.A.M Ministry10
PHONE: 775.323.4022
FAX: 775.284.0808